Metabolic Path Finding

The program for finding pathways by tracking carbons is available as a jar file: CarbonSearch.jar The program currently requires a mysql database to access certain data, a mysqldump of this database can be downloaded here. Three sets of data files are also required to run the program: Mol files obtained from KEGG Cleaned RPAIR mappings from KEGG Cleaned reaction mappings based on RPAIR from KEGG To run the program (assuming you have Java installed): java -jar CarbonSearch.jar [input file] The input file contains all of the necessary information to run the program. It consists of a list of field names and field values separated by a tab. An example input file is available here.

  Description of the field names in the input file
DBHOST where the mysql database is hosted
DBPORT port of the mysql database
DBNAME mysql database name
DBUSER mysql database user with access to the database
DBPASS mysql password for the database user
MOLDIR where the mol files are located
RPAIRDIR where the cleaned RPAIR mappings are located
REACTIONDIR where the cleaned reaction mappings are located
STARTCID the KEGG compound ID for the start compound
TARGETCID the KEGG compound ID for the target compound
K value of K for Eppstein’s algorithm (usually set quite large)
NUMCARBON number of carbons to conserve
DELTALENGTH the number added to the shortest path length to determine the seed pathways, for example if the shortest path is of length 10 and DELTALENGTH is set to 4, then all pathways up to length 14 will be used
BRANCH if set to 0, only find linear pathways, if set to 1, find branched pathways
NUMRETURN the maximum number of pathways to return
OUTPUTDIR where the output files (in dot format) will be written